The Rosette and the Cone


  • Samyang 135mm f/2
  • Canon EOS 750D (modded)
  • Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer

Acquisition (Total : 9.6h)

  • Location : Backyard, bortle 5
  • 2 panels mosaic
  • Right panel : 324 x 60s (5.4h)
  • Left panel : 252 x 60s (4.2h)
  • Calibration : bias, flats

Processing (PixInsight)


  • Crop

  • ABE

  • dnaLinearFit

  • StarAlignment

  • GradientMergeMosaic

  • BackgroundNeutralization and ColorCalibration

  • TGVDenoise

  • HSV Repair

  • Extract synthetic luminance


  • MaskedStretch

  • Starnet++

  • Curves

  • Fixing the seams with custom PS masks

  • MLT (sharpening)

  • HDRMultiscaleTransform

  • LocalHistogramEqualization

  • PixelMath – adding the stars back


  • ArcsinhStretch

  • Invert > SCNR Green 100% > Invert (fixing magenta stars)

Final adjustments

  • LRGBCombination

  • Starnet++

  • MorphologicalTransformation

  • ColorSaturation

  • Curves

Taken in February 2020

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